Fried turkeys are delicious, but they come with a slew of safety issues. Thousands of fires as well as many deaths and injuries happen each year due to turkey fryer fires. Before you set up your turkey fryer this Thanksgiving, remember these safety tips.
The 4th of July is one of the best cookout days of the year, and not just for humans. I don't have firm stats on this, but I'm pretty sure more hot dogs and hamburgers are dropped by kids and stolen by dogs than any other day of the year, so of course our furry friends love the holiday.
"Pretty colored trees" is how some 3 year olds describe fireworks. Yes, they are pretty, they may look like little trees and are definitely popular. Bursting in all different shapes, sizes and colors, annual fireworks will light up the skies in recognition of America's independence around July 4th. Safety is our mantra here at Family Insurance, we want to educate you on the precautions that should be taken when handling these "pretty colored trees".
"Happiness is not by chance, Topics